Combining social and bio-medical data collection: pros and cons of different approaches

4 Jul 2017

This workshop featured presentations from a range of UK longitudinal studies discussing their approaches to combining the collection of both social and biomedical data. It was hosted by CLOSER.



About the workshop

Combining objective measurements of biomarkers with self-reported information about lifestyles and behaviour in longitudinal studies offers enormous research potential.

This is becoming increasingly common and studies from different disciplinary traditions take different approaches to this. For example, some studies use clinic visits or nurse home visits for bio-measures in combination with primarily remote self-completion methods for self-report data. Others use an interviewer home visit for self-report data followed by a nurse home visit for bio-measures. There is also increasing interest in the collection of bio-measures by interviewers in a home setting.

This workshop comprised presentations from a range of UK longitudinal studies regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches they have used, particularly in relation to cost, response rates and data quality. The aim was to promote a shared understanding across disciplines and to discuss scientific, methodological and operational challenges.

This was a closed event for members of staff at CLOSER’s partner organisations and other invited studies.

Workshop resources

Visit the CLOSER website to access the programme and presentation slides here.

Contact our Communications Team

Event enquiries

Richard Steele
Events and Marketing Officer

Phone: 020 7911 5320

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UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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