BCS70 Age 56 Sweep

Sweep details

Sweep status In consultation
Dates 2026
Age 56
Respondents Cohort member
Data access Data will be made available via the UK Data Service
Survey mode Web only

The 12th sweep of BCS70 will be carried out jointly with NCDS at age 68. The sweep will consist of a 50-minute web survey. Adding to the rich longitudinal data across the whole of life, the Age 56 Sweep will capture information at a critical age for understanding declines in labour market participation, and for collecting comparable information to NCDS at age 55.

The information collected will be ideal for investigating healthy ageing, extending working lives, pension adequacy and social care, among other issues.

The sweep will cover three broad areas:

  • family, relationship and identity
  • housing, finances and employment
  • health and wellbeing.

Carrying out a joint sweep maximises the potential for cross-cohort comparisons through harmonisation. The web-only approach follows three successful web surveys of these cohorts during the Covid-19 pandemic.

About the consultation

Scientific Consultation

Help shape the content of the BCS70 Age 56 Sweep

CLS is seeking views on the content of the sweep from experts across the scientific, policy, third, and private sectors. This is an excellent opportunity to ensure the data are fit for purpose to answer key scientific and policy questions about ageing and other issues facing these generations.

Find out more about the consultation and how to take part on the Consultation page.

Contact us

Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Email: clsdata@ucl.ac.uk

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