Scientific consultation: NCDS at 68 and BCS70 at 56


CLS is seeking input on the content of an upcoming joint web survey of NCDS at age 68 and BCS70 at age 56. Take part in a consultation event or submit your ideas online.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, 16 May 2025.

About the joint NCDS-BCS70 sweep

The next sweep of data collection for NCDS and BCS70 will be carried out jointly across the two studies. We are planning a 50-minute web survey to take place in 2026 when NCDS participants are aged 68 and BCS70 participants are aged 56.

With rich longitudinal data across the whole of life, both NCDS and BCS70 are uniquely placed to address key research and policy questions about ageing. Data from these studies are ideal for investigating healthy ageing, extending working lives, pension adequacy and social care, among other issues.

The joint sweep will be the first opportunity to survey NCDS cohort members after they reached the State Pension age of 66. BCS70 cohort members, at 56, will also be at a critical age for capturing declines in labour market participation, and for collecting comparable information to NCDS at age 55.

Carrying out a joint sweep is not only cost-effective, it also maximises the potential for cross-cohort comparisons through harmonisation. The web-only approach follows three successful web surveys of these cohorts during the Covid-19 pandemic.

What the sweep will cover

The sweep will cover three broad areas:

  • family, relationship and identity
  • housing, finances and employment
  • health and wellbeing.

A central feature of longitudinal studies is the collection of the same measures over time. A summary of the content of previous sweeps of NCDS and BCS70 (PDF) is available. The summary document indicates which core longitudinal content will likely be repeated in the upcoming web survey.

How to take part in the consultation

We are seeking views on the content of the questionnaire from experts across the scientific, policy, third, and private sectors. This is an excellent opportunity to shape the joint sweep and ensure the data are fit for purpose to answer key scientific and policy questions about ageing and other issues facing these generations.

This is an open consultation, and anyone may contribute with suggestions on any topic. There are two ways to contribute to the consultation: by submitting your ideas online or attending a consultation event. We strongly recommend taking part in both.


Submit your ideas online by Friday, 16 May

The online Qualtrics submission form allows you to make up to 10 proposals for questions or topics to be included in the web survey. You will be asked to describe the salience and relevance of your proposed questions and the research questions that could be answered with the data collected.

The form will auto-save as you proceed so you do not need to complete the form in one sitting.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, 16 May 2025.

Qualtrics online submission form

Attend a consultation event

Help shape the data collection by taking part in discussions with other experts at one of our in-person or online consultation events.


Online consultation workshop: The Scottish perspective
Date and time TBC | Online

This session will focus on how NCDS and BCS70 can support the specific data and evidence needs in Scotland. It is intended for Scottish delegates or those investigating the Scottish context.


Online consultation workshop: The Welsh perspective
Wednesday, 30 April | 1:30–4:30pm | Online

This session will focus on how NCDS and BCS70 can support the specific data and evidence needs in Wales. It is intended for Welsh delegates or those investigating the Welsh context.


Online consultation workshop (open to all)
Thursday, 1 May | 1:30–4:30pm | Online

This online session is open to all. Discussions will focus on how NCDS and BCS70 can support the data and evidence needs across disciplines and areas of interest.


In-person consultative conference (open to all)
Thursday, 8 May | 10am–4pm | London

This in-person session is open to all. Discussions will focus on how NCDS and BCS70 can support the data and evidence needs across disciplines and areas of interest.

Consultation timetable

Monday, 17 March 2025 Consultation opens
Friday, 16 May 2025 Deadline for submissions
19 May – 25 July 2025 CLS reviews submissions
Monday, 28 July 2025 First draft questionnaire and response to submissions published for comment
Friday, 19 September 2025 Deadline for feedback on draft questionnaire
22 September – 30 October 2025 CLS reviews feedback
Friday, 31 October 2025 Second draft questionnaire published

Consultation team

The scientific consultation is led by Prof George Ploubidis, Director of NCDS and BCS70.

CLS’s Scientific Advisory Network on Ageing, a multidisciplinary group of external expert advisors, will support Prof Ploubidis in reviewing and assessing submissions to the consultation.

CLS’s expert longitudinal survey methodologists will lead the questionnaire development and fieldwork specification, under the direction of Prof Ploubidis and the Centre’s wider scientific leadership.

CLS will also be asking cohort members for their perspective on what we should ask them at the upcoming sweeps.

Contact the team

Consultation enquiries

Michaela Sedovic


Contact us

Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL


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