37-Year Sample Survey

Sub study details

Dates 1995
Age 37
Respondents Cohort members
Response 1,714
Fieldwork agency MORI
Survey mode Face to face
Data access

Dataset available via the UK Data Service [SN 4992]. Visit the UK Data Service website to access the data.


This NCDS 37-year sample survey was conducted in 1995, between the full surveys that took place at 33 and 42. The 1995 survey aimed to collect details about cohort members’ basic skills. It was designed to supplement the information on self-reported literacy and numeracy problems gathered at 33 and 42, with objective assessments of skills in these areas. It provides for a detailed analysis of the extent, antecedents and correlates of basic skills in the NCDS cohort.

There were three parts to the survey: the interview, a set of literacy and numeracy assessments and a self-completion questionnaire:

  • the interview covered full-time education, qualifications; youth and other training; current employment; unemployment; respondent’s literacy and numeracy; respondent’s children’s literacy and numeracy problems; household composition; relationships; children; housing; income; and health
  • the literacy and numeracy assessments comprised a series of 18 tasks, using showcards, to assess reading, writing, comprehension and simple mathematical skills
  • the self-completion questionnaire covered health; how respondent felt about their life so far; self-assessed basic skills ability; employment history since age 16; education history since age 16


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