Linking cohort study data to administrative records: the challenges of consent and coverage

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Using linked data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), this project examined patterns of non-consent and non-coverage, and identified weighting and imputation techniques that can adjust for biases.

Research details

Project title

Linking cohort study data to administrative records: The challenges of consent and coverage

Project lead

Tarek Mostafa


Survey methods


Cohort and other longitudinal studies can be enriched by linking the study participants’ data to their administrative records for education, use of health services, national insurance contributions, tax payments and welfare benefits. This type of data linkage can provide a wealth of information at a limited extra cost.

However, efforts to link data are met by three problems:

  1. Non-consent: Participants may refuse to allow survey teams to access their administrative records and link them to survey data.
  2. Non-coverage: Even when participants give consent, it may not be possible to find them in the administrative register.
  3. Missing values: Even when a participant gives consent and can be found on the administrative register, their records could be missing information on certain variables.

These problems can cause biases when analysing linked data. Using linked data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), this project examined patterns of non-consent and non-coverage, and identifies weighting and imputation techniques that can adjust for biases.

Consent and coverage in data linkage is an under-researched area of survey methodology. However, it has become increasingly urgent to find solutions to these challenges as the demand for linked data sets rises.

This project was funded by the National Centre for Research Methods and the Economic and Social Research Council. It ran from April 2013 to September 2014.

Featured scientific publications

Mostafa, T and Wiggins R D. (2015)
How consistent is respondent behaviour to allow linkage to health administrative data over time?
CLS Working Paper 2015/3. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Read the full paper
Mostafa T. (2016)
Variation within households in consent to link survey data to administrative records: evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19:3, 355-375.
Read the full paper


Tarek Mostafa OECD

View Tarek’s biography on the OECD website here.

John Micklewright UCL Institute of Education

Lucinda Platt London School of Economics

View Lucinda’s biography on the London School of Economics website here.

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