New NCDS biomedical data released

News, Data release
30 January 2009

The data from the biomedical survey of the NCDS, when they were aged 44–45 years, has just been released by the UK Data Archive.

The data from the biomedical survey of the NCDS, when they were aged 44–45 years, has just been released by the Data Archive.

The survey was conducted, with several collaborating partners, under the Medical Research Council’s  (MRC) ‘Health of the Public’ initiative. 12,037 subjects were contacted and 9377 were successfully interviewed. The primary objective was to obtain questionnaires, physical measures and biospecimen collection (blood, urine and saliva) and to use these to examine how developmental, lifestyle, and environmental factors act throughout the lifespan to influence current ill health, and physiological and psychological function in early middle age.

There have already been a number of publications based on this data and these can be found on our search able bibliography at:

Two key papers are as follows:
POWER, C., ATHERTON, K., STRACHAN, D.P., SHEPHERD, P., FULLER, E., DAVIS, A., GIBB, I., KUMARI, M., LOWE, G., MACFARLANE, G.J., RAHI, J., RODGERS, B. and STANSFELD, S. (2007) Life-course influences on health in British adults: effects of socio-economic position in childhood and adulthood. International Journal of Epidemiology, 36(3), 532-539

STRACHAN, D.P., RUDNICKA, A.R., POWER, C., SHEPHERD, P., FULLER, E., DAVIS, A., GIBB, I., KUMARI, M., RUMLEY, A., MACFARLANE, G.J., RAHI, J., RODGERS, B. and STANSFELD, S. (2007) Lifecourse influences on health among British adults: Effects of region of residence in childhood and adulthood. International Journal of Epidemiology, 36(3), 522-531

Click here to be directed to the data.

Further details on the data collection are also available from the CLS website (

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