NCDS8 data now available from UK Data Archive

News, Data release
29 March 2010

The first deposit of data from the 8th follow-up of the National Child Development Study, which took place in 2008/9 when cohort members were 50 years old, is now available from the UK Data Archive:”6137″

This first deposit includes responses to the bulk of the questions put to cohort members in 2008/9 including the cognitive assessments, paper self-completion questionnaire and CASI self-completion questionnaire. The variables which have not been included in this file are essentially those that require the most complex post-fieldwork editing in order to make them usable and in the main are those which relate to the four ‘history’ modules – housing history, relationship history, fertility history and economic activity history. In addition, variables relating to absent children, older children and specific details relating to recently achieved qualifications have not been included in this first deposit (although a series of derived summary variables relating to highest qualification have been included).

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