Our studies

The UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies is home to a unique series of UK national cohort studies. Our studies follow the lives of multiple generations of people.

Each of our four core studies follows large, nationally representative groups of people born in a given year. Our oldest study charts the lives of a group of Baby Boomers born in the late 1950s, while our youngest keeps up with a group born at the turn of the new century.

In 2021, CLS also became part of the management teams for three new longitudinal studies: the Early Life Cohort Feasibility Study, Children of the 2020s, and the COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities Study. These new studies will follow groups of young people whose formative years have been shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent world events.

Getting started with longitudinal data

Take a look at our guide to using the rich longitudinal data sets.  We’ve included tips on identifying the research you need, how you go about downloading the data and preparing the data for analysis.

Evidence and impact

Our briefings and impact library includes summaries of our research findings as well as reports highlighting the impact of our cohort studies. You can search by study, topic and keyword.

Contact us

Centre for Longitudinal Studies
UCL Social Research Institute

20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Email: clsdata@ucl.ac.uk

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